weishan's allies


Are you team #10KCash or team #10KTrees? Stay tuned here for updates until our first clue drop on 1st May 23!


Scratchbacs of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your bac! Just a rando with a heart of gold minus the heart of gold part.


Deleted account.


Hi! I'm Shin and I enjoy making bouquets. Feel free to follow me on Instagram @madeby.shin or dm me there for urgent orders!


err this is my bio lol…


Hi I am new to Scratchbac


I eat, code and listen to indie music


Hello! Aviation Enthusiast, Computer Nerd, and Musician (Piano/Percussion). Currently studying in SMU. 📖👩‍🎓 Scratchbac Kickstarter Backer! 👀


NP biz grad. Incoming NTU psychology student! Reader 📖; Badminton player 🏸


Introverted human trying to make some friends! Looking for fellow humans to try new hobbies, explore new places and eat new food.


Hi I am new to Scratchbac


Westie looking for peeps with similar hobbies/interests.