vannn's allies


Hi I am new to Scratchbac


Hi! I am new to Scratchbac:)


Wassup, I wanna jog weekly for IPPT so looking for PT buddies. I just learnt rollerblading too. Also hmu for mahjong!


nootnoot!!! i prefer to rock climb over climbing stairs n i enjoy making bread. i like to pet cats in my free time n game


Uni student exploring my interests and hobbies. Astrophotography, aviation, cooking, piano, gunpla, video/photo editing. Hit me up if you do the sam


+Ally me! I'll share the latest news about Scratchbac, and you can reach me if you need me!


Cofounder of Scratchbac. meowmeow’s hooman. started scratchbac to borrow a drill. Keong Saik is my house.


Hi I am new to Scratchbac