theotherjin's allies


Hi I am new to Scratchbac


give me a second i, i need to get my story straight my friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state am in tekong rn so i am bz!



I do too much online shopping. Here because I constantly need to give away stuff I end up not using ^^


here to make allies in the hope that in case my cat 🪵-knock on wood-🪵runs away, there will be people to help keep a lookout for her 😿


Gotta keep hustling, food is life, what's new to eat around?


I love the gym, outdoors and people (with or without dogs) Hit me up for drinks whenever! Instagram: pancakejun_


Ask me anything about managing 2 under 2. :)


All confessions are anonymous. Submit your confessions here: 🔇


Hi! I'm new to Scratchbac! I love to sell, donate, swap stuff to reduce waste. other interests include cafe hopping, workouts@F45, nutrition.


All my friends are toxic. Hope the new ones I’ll make here aren’t


Hi I am new to Scratchbac


Have a confession to get off your chest? 🤫 Confess here, my fellow Westies. 🔗


Are you a Jurong Westie who has a burning question but paiseh to ask on your account? 🧐 Ask it here lah! 🔗


Lemme noe if u need help with kpop dance.


Beedoo beedoo weewoo weewoo not all peepee times are poopoo times but all poopoo times are peepee times


Hi I am new to Scratchbac, often travel ntu


looking for guide on knitting


Is this a digital neighbourhood? 🤔


all for that spontaneous vibe


+Ally me! I'll share the latest news about Scratchbac, and you can reach me if you need me!


Hi I am new to Scratchbac


Hi I am new to Scratchbac