sensei369's allies


Scratchbacs of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your bac! Just a rando with a heart of gold minus the heart of gold part.


Loves Jesus, loves coffee, loves people! Selling coffee and making friends around the neighbourhood (Tampines 5207XX)! Anyone keen do ally me! 😊


Cats are cute but dogs are more loyal 🙃🙃


give me a second i, i need to get my story straight my friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state am in tekong rn so i am bz!


hi there, i like cats and sometimes paint! i’m also currently a backend developer at Scratchbac, so feel free to let me know if you have feedback!


Hi! I’m a fulltime student studying Computer Science! Currently interning at Scratchbac!


I’m not just an ordinary clown, I’m the entire circus.


Would love to get to know more people and engage in activity or hang out.


+Ally me! I'll share the latest news about Scratchbac, and you can reach me if you need me!


all for that spontaneous vibe


would love to meet up for a coffee chat (:


Cofounder of Scratchbac. meowmeow’s hooman. started scratchbac to borrow a drill. Keong Saik is my house.