rosies's allies


Ask me anything about managing 2 under 2. :)


Cofounder of Scratchbac. meowmeow’s hooman. started scratchbac to borrow a drill. Keong Saik is my house.


Gotta keep hustling, food is life, what's new to eat around?


All confessions are anonymous. Submit your confessions here: 🔇


time to go into slumber once again


I spoke a vow today and asked if God would come and play. I've dug a shallow hole for him to sleep But I swear he just won't answer me.


here to make allies in the hope that in case my cat 🪵-knock on wood-🪵runs away, there will be people to help keep a lookout for her 😿


anyone wanna go hiking together? walk walk and see see nature


+Ally me! I'll share the latest news about Scratchbac, and you can reach me if you need me!