kyrene813's allies


loves 3d origami, gundam/gunpla


new in here


Married man with 2 kids. Sole breadwinner. Need to destress by screaming into the endless void. Retired from SB.


Beedoo beedoo weewoo weewoo not all peepee times are poopoo times but all poopoo times are peepee times


Curious kid-dult who indulges in 70s disco/funk music, loves chasing freedom on a bicycle and wants to teach the world how to dance.


+Ally me! I'll share the latest news about Scratchbac, and you can reach me if you need me!


i hold daily concerts in da toilet 🚽 laughs at everything 🤪 love kids n dad jokes 🤠 night owl 🦉


my cats think I live in their house rent free


Husband, Scuba Diver, nature lover, sustainability advocate, cat dad.