joonpeng's allies


looking for things to eat and buy


Time once spent can never be recovered. What do we want to do with our 1 life that we have? I’m gonna be happy 🎉


Hi I am new to Scratchbac


Sup?!! 😁✌️


I like “boomer” contents… looks cute 🥵 INTP 🤓


💕 food. 💕 nature. business owner but believes in side incomes, in building pipelines for a better future. here to expand my social circle 😊


Hi there! A Private Tutor here. Prefers healthy food. Some cheat food is fine. Loves nature Food IG: leanowleats Tuition IG: psletutor


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just a guy who likes listening to economics and policies and often wonder how to make Singapore a better place for everyone to live, work and play.


Westie (BP) ganggang 🤙🏻 Super friendly chicken (weng) who loves to make friends!! Just hmu (ally) & say hi 🙏🏻


Designing interiors 💎Creating spaces that’s spaciously cosy, homey and inspiring 🏞️Waiting to meet someone adventurous with their interior spaces 😎


Finance | Foodie | Swimming | Fencing Retirement & Legacy Planning Specialist. Certified Estate Planner


hello im either at the gym without my dog or at home with my dog i could also be drowning in school work 🥲


hi there, i like cats and sometimes paint! i’m also currently a backend developer at Scratchbac, so feel free to let me know if you have feedback!