jilltiffany's allies


When I’m not working at the hospital, I love to spend time tending to my tropical pitcher plant garden! Follow my work on IG @tgzw.evansyoshitaka 😁


diary of a lactose intolerant human


Hi I am new to Scratchbacd


hi there, i like cats and sometimes paint! i’m also currently a backend developer at Scratchbac, so feel free to let me know if you have feedback!


Live, laugh, love. Life’s short, be happy and stay happy πŸ˜‡


hello im either at the gym without my dog or at home with my dog i could also be drowning in school work πŸ₯²


Cats are cute but dogs are more loyal πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ


+Ally me! I'll share the latest news about Scratchbac, and you can reach me if you need me!


πŸ“ As a self-proclaimed food enthusiast, I'm here to share my passion for all things delicious. From sizzling street food to elegant fine dining.


I love the gym, outdoors and people (with or without dogs) Hit me up for drinks whenever! Instagram: pancakejun_


We shave our head bald to preserve sacredness of our servers Feel free to talk to us about bugs or suggestions for app improvements, we have no hair left to lose!!


I overthink, therefore I overam


is time passing by or are we passing through time? πŸ€”


I don't know how old I am, I just know the sound of canned wet food opening. aka Scratchbac's very own Meow Meow account!


give me a second i, i need to get my story straight my friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state am in tekong rn so i am bz!