callmezong's allies


All submissions are anonymous. Submit your confessions: πŸ’€


give me a second i, i need to get my story straight my friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state am in tekong rn so i am bz!


hello, my name is hui πŸ’•I collect and sell crystal at the same time ☺️ I am a foodie lover and I doodle on my free time πŸ’• I LOVE TRAVEL TOO πŸ™‚


We shave our head bald to preserve sacredness of our servers Feel free to talk to us about bugs or suggestions for app improvements, we have no hair left to lose!!


all for that spontaneous vibe


Where the lobangs at? Interested in becoming a Tampines North volunteer? Fill in the form here!


fav quote: Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux. I like to sketch on procreate and brisk-walk~