bluewhale's allies


Looking for a bball/run/ml/anime/drama/chat buddy 😁


the cat in my profile photo is missing have you seen her ?


I'm a Certified Mental Wellness Coach.. feeling stressed, anger, hatred etc etc pls chat me privately maybe I can help..




Okay who says beanies can't be worn in summer


Come in to peep on neighbors :) Can chat anything under the 🌞/🌙but not into anything romantic ya :)


+Ally me! I'll share the latest news about Scratchbac, and you can reach me if you need me!


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Who/Whomst DJ BONG 🙌🏾


hellos :-) was vv bored and lowk curious HAHA i hv a bf !!!! pls do not be disgusting 👎🏻 looking for buddies to play dnd with !!!


would love to meet up for a coffee chat (: